Souper Suppers

What is your favorite fall soup? It’s time for cozy soup and salad dinners – souper suppers! I posted some summer salad recipes last summer so now it is time for some fall soup recipes. I usually make potato soup, tortilla soup, and pumpkin black bean soup in the fall. Having a family member who…

Summer Salads

What’s your favorite summer salad? BLT’s are always a favorite summer meal when the garden tomatoes are sun ripened to perfection, but wait until you try an easy summer BLT salad! Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato Salad takes dinner to a whole new level of healthy summer goodness. Chop up some fresh lettuce and summer tomatoes….

Table Talk

Are you more like a pencil or a school bus? I love to ask people this question! I have asked it around the dinner table, to help a student prepare for an interview, on an airplane, in line at an amusement park, at gatherings, walking down the beach, and many more places to people both…