
Remember that time you were in a meeting or classroom and you just didn’t feel like you belonged? The energy and motivation for learning can come from a sense of belonging. When students feel connected in a classroom community, we can activate their cognitive learning. When they feel they don’t belong, students spend more brain…

Save your NOs

Have you ever wished your child would obey right away when you say “no” or “come”? Most parents and teachers of young children struggle with this on a daily basis! One piece of wisdom I learned early on when my children were young was to save your NOs. It is as simple as using “please…

Homework Help

Homework Help

Have you set yourself up for endless hours of sitting with your children and nagging them to get their homework done or having to work through every single problem with them? Here are a few easy steps and tips to get out of that habit. Set up a regular homework time and place. Set expectations…

Be Honest

Do you know that feeling of relief you get when you just tell someone the truth? “Be honest” is one of the few rules I have for my tutoring clients. I’d rather a child tell me they didn’t turn in their homework than to lie to me about the teacher losing it. Being honest allows…

Table Talk

Are you more like a pencil or a school bus? I love to ask people this question! I have asked it around the dinner table, to help a student prepare for an interview, on an airplane, in line at an amusement park, at gatherings, walking down the beach, and many more places to people both…