Cultivate Gratitude

How do you cultivate gratitude for God’s blessings? Cultivating gratitude should be a regular occurrence for you, not just a November activity. Read through Psalm 103. Pay attention to all the ways David expresses his thankfulness to God. Consider writing your own Psalm of thanksgiving and gratitude. You can mirror David’s psalm if you want….

Waiting Games

Waiting Games

What game can you easily play while waiting in line? Waiting games are invaluable resources for every parent and teacher! Waiting is part of everyday life. We wait in lines at amusement parks, at vaccine clinics, and in traffic jams. We wait for events like ball games, symphonies, and movies to start. My list was…

Thrifty Mama

Thrifty Mama

Would you rather buy one brand name clothing item or several “gently used” clothes at a thrift shop? I don’t see myself as a fashion influencer nor do I feel very influenced by having to keep up with all the trends. Instead, I like to save money to spend on travel or to give away…


Remember that time you were in a meeting or classroom and you just didn’t feel like you belonged? The energy and motivation for learning can come from a sense of belonging. When students feel connected in a classroom community, we can activate their cognitive learning. When they feel they don’t belong, students spend more brain…

Save your NOs

Have you ever wished your child would obey right away when you say “no” or “come”? Most parents and teachers of young children struggle with this on a daily basis! One piece of wisdom I learned early on when my children were young was to save your NOs. It is as simple as using “please…