Vocabulary Courses Now Open

What do you do with the list of science vocabulary words your child brings home from school?
Building vocabulary knowledge helps you become a better reader, writer, and test taker, yet most students do not take the time to learn vocabulary beyond being able to pass the weekly matching quiz. According to the Northwest Education Association, vocabulary can be defined as “all the knowledge a person has about a word, which includes knowing what it means, when it is used, how to say it, and how to use it in a sentence.”
Do any of these sound familiar to you or your children?
You just Google the definitions for vocabulary word homework.
You don’t study for vocabulary tests. You just guess using the word bank.
You don’t really have a good plan for how to study, but you read the word list a few times.
After the vocabulary test, you do not often remember the definitions anymore.
Imagine what a difference it would make if you knew some easy ways to learn and study vocabulary.
You could confidently study vocabulary words.
You could expand your reading and writing by making word connections.
You could learn and use vocabulary words with confidence.
You could apply vocabulary strategies to any new words you need to learn.
The Teach Vocabulary workshop is now available on my website.
This hands-on workshop is for you! In 7 short lessons, you will try out some activities and study some vocabulary words. Don’t worry, I’ll give you tips and tricks to help you out! Not only are you going to learn HOW to study vocabulary, but we will be using 10 test taking terms as an example. You know those words like compare and contrast and infer?!
I offer two courses for different audiences.
Teach Vocabulary Workshop is for parents, grandparents, and tutors.
Parents, grandparents, and tutors will learn and practice vocabulary activities and then be able to use them to help students study the vocabulary lists they bring home from school.
Learn Vocabulary Workshop is for students in grades 4 and up.
Parents, this is an easy one week course to help your child learn how to study vocabulary words. (Recommended for grades 4 and up)
Each lesson has a lesson with a video, a short quiz, an activity, and then a short discussion board prompt. Downloadable course materials include flashcards, graphic organizers, a course notebook, and bonus content. Students get 90-day access to the workshop lessons upon purchase, but it will only take you a week to complete the workshop if you do one lesson a day. Each of the 7 lessons should take 20-30 minutes to complete from start to finish including the activities.
Finally, imagine what a difference it would make if you were confident about what to do with those vocabulary words your child brings home. This course is for you if you would like a plan for how to learn and study vocabulary words, whether you are the student or the tutor. Enroll in the workshop today! Click here to visit the course page.
Table Talk: How did you study vocabulary when you were in school? What’s one hard/interesting vocabulary word you learned in school that stuck with you? (pulchritudinous is mine!)